Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Resolutions - March Update

Well dear readers we're halfway through April and I just realised I did not update you with my progress on my new year resolutions at the end of March. March was a busy month for me as I had my parents over from England but now there gone I promise to get back on track with the blog. Ive been a bit shoddy of late with my posts! Anyway heres the update:

Take more risks in life - I am doing terribly with this resolution at this rate it will be my resolution for next year as well! The hubby and I still haven't booked out tandem paragliding that he got as a birthday present in January and I haven't done any other things in this category. That means I owe you 3 now (4 if you count Aprils as well) so I really must get on with it.

Reach my goal weight - This ones done! I can tick it off so it wont be mentioned in future months updates unless I slip up and pile on weight (please god no!)

Study Childcare - I have almost finished wading through the sea of notes from the purple fairy and putting together my own. Whilst doing this I have been putting together a recommended reading list so once I have finished going through all the notes I will get some of the books out the library to read up some more.

Continue to grow this blog - As i mentioned in the blog post diversifying my blog I intend to add more new sections to the blog. We've already had more book and film reviews but I am a little behind with the recipes and housewifery sections so I will try to work on these this month.

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