Monday, September 5, 2011

The Bookworm Presents: Gil Elvgren - The Complete Pin Ups

Its been a while since I reviewed a book for my blog but when this Gil Elvgren book arrived in the post I knew it was definitely worth a review. The book was written as a promise to Elvgren from Art Armise a pin up photographer who photographed Bettie Page in the 1950s. In the 1960s and 70s He also owned a gallery called The Girl Whirl which was the only one dedicated to pin up portraits at the time. Armise promised Elvgren when Elvgren was dying of cancer that he would publish Elvgrens book.

is the most complete collection of Elvgren's pin ups and neatly split them intro sections of pin ups from 1937 - 1944, the 1940s, 1950s and 1960-72 so its easy to see how the artists style evolved over the years. It also contains a very informative section on 'The art and times of Gil Elvgren' details Elvgrens inspirations and his rise to becoming the best and most prolific pin up artist in the US and probably worldwide!

In conclusion I would definitely recommend this book for any pin up or Elvgren fan!

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